Vision and mission
The vision of the Dementia Competence Centre is to ensure that people with dementia syndrome and their loved ones live a dignified life in Estonia.
The mission of the Dementia Competence Centre is to improve the coping and quality of life of people with dementia and their loved ones by implementing activities that raise awareness of dementia and the possibilities of getting help, and improve the quality and accessibility of health and welfare services.
The Dementia Competence Center sets its daily activities and collaborations with the aim of contributing to four simple and universally important goals: to strive to prevent dementia, diagnose it early, enable people to live well with dementia, and die with dignity.
The DKK strategic plan also aligns with the core principles expressed in the Alzheimer Europe Strategic Plan 2021–2025, which states that every person with dementia has the right to:
- A timely diagnosis;
- High-quality diagnostic support;
- Person-centered, coordinated, and high-quality care throughout their life;
- Equal access to treatment and therapeutic interventions;
- Be respected as an individual within their community.
Strategic Plan 2023 – 2027
DKK strategic objectives
DKK strateegiline plaan panustab Eesti lähiaastate hoolekandepoliitika kujundamise peamistesse eesmärkidesse: hoolduskoormuse ennetamine, vähendamine ja mitteformaalsete hooldajate tööturul osalemise toetamine ja sotsiaal- ja tervisevaldkonna poliitika integreerimine, et luua ühtne pikaajalise hoolduse süsteem. DKK strateegilises plaanis on fookus suunatud ka Hoolekandeprogramm 2019-2022 välja toodud probleemidele- kohalike omavalitsuste erinevused hoolekandelise abi tagamisel on suured ning paljud omavalitsused ei suuda pakkuda minimaalset nõutud hulka teenuseid. Sotsiaalteenuste vajadust ja tulemuslikkust ei hinnata terviklikult, mistõttu ei saa inimesed alati õigeaegset ja vajalikku abi, ühtlustamist vajab kvaliteetse teenuse mõiste sisustamine, samuti vajab tugevdamist sotsiaalteenuste järelevalve korraldus.
Tutvu Dementsuse Kompetentsikeskuse strateegilise plaaniga: Strateegiline plaan aastateks 2023-2027
Team and contacts
Telephone: 5831 7500

5561 9318
Telephone: 5814 2984
Telephone: 5848 1652
644 6440
We provide advice and support to service providers to improve the quality of services for people with dementia.
644 6440
Our team contributes to the development of dementia awareness and quality of services across Estonia.
644 6440
We support people with dementia and their loved ones with information and advice.